48 research outputs found

    A new implementation of Spat in Max

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    International audienceIrcam spat~ is a real-time audio engine dedicated to sound spatialization, artificial reverberation, and sound diffusion. This paper introduces a new major revision of the software package (spat~ 5), and its integration in the Max environment. First, we present the newly adopted OSC interface that is used throughout the library for controlling the processors; we discuss the motivations for this choice, the syntax in use, and the potential benefits in terms of us-ability, performances, customization, etc. Then we give an overview of new features introduced in this release, covering Higher Order Ambisonics processing, object-based audio production, enhanced inter-operability with VR or graphics frameworks, etc

    Spherical correlation as a similarity measure for 3-D radiation patterns of musical instruments

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    We investigate the use of spherical cross-correlation as a similarity measure of sound radiation patterns, with potential applications for their study, organization, and manipulation. This work is motivated by the application of corpus-based synthesis techniques to spatial projection based on the radiation patterns of orchestral instruments. To this end, we wish to derive spatial descriptors to complement other audio features available for the organization of the sample corpus. Considering two directivity functions on the sphere, their spherical correlation can be computed from their spherical harmonic coefficients. In addition, one can search for the 3-D rotation matrix which maximizes the cross-correlation, i.e. which offers the optimal spherical shape matching. The mathematical foundations of these tools are well established in the literature; however, their practical use in the field of acoustics remains relatively limited and challenging. As a proof of concept, we apply these techniques both to simulated radiation data and to measurements derived from an existing database of 3-D directivity patterns of orchestral instruments. Using these examples we present several test cases to compare the results of spherical correlation to mathematical and acoustical expectations. A range of visualization methods are applied to analyze the test cases, including multi-dimensional scaling, employed as an efficient technique for data reduction and navigation. This article is an extended version of a study previously published in [Carpentier and Einbond. 16th Congrùs Français d’Acoustique (CFA), Marseille, France, April 2022, pp. 1–6. https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/28202/]

    Magnetic dephasing in mesoscopic spin glasses

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    We have measured Universal Conductance Fluctuations in the metallic spin glass Ag:Mn as a function of temperature and magnetic field. From this measurement, we can access the phase coherence time of the electrons in the spin glass. We show that this phase coherence time increases with both the inverse of the temperature and the magnetic field. From this we deduce that decoherence mechanisms are still active even deep in the spin glass phase

    Tools and Applications for Interactive-Algorithmic Control of Sound Spatialization in OpenMusic

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    International audienceWe present recent works carried out in the OpenMusic computer-aided composition environment for combining compositional processes with spatial audio rendering. We consider new modalities for manipulating sound spatialization data and processes following both object-based and channel-based approaches, and developed a framework linking algorithmic processing with interactive control

    Synchronisation de données inter-processus dans les applications audio temps réel: qu'est-ce qui débloque?

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    National audienceCet article expose des considĂ©rations pragmatiques pour le dĂ©veloppement d'applications audio temps rĂ©el. Il passe en revue plusieurs concepts fondamentaux qui doivent ĂȘtre pris en compte lors de l'Ă©laboration de telles applications. En particulier, les applications audio sont intrinsĂšquement multi-thread et asynchrones, et la synchronisation de ressources partagĂ©es entre plusieurs processus concurrents doit donc faire l'objet d'une attention minutieuse. Les concepts exposĂ©s ici ne sont pas nouveaux, toutefois leur mise en pratique, dans un contexte concret de production, demeure un dĂ©fi majeur pour tous les dĂ©veloppeurs audio. Enfin, la thĂšse soutenue dans cette Ă©tude est que les mĂ©canismes de synchronisation dits lock-free ne sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement pas indispensables et doivent ĂȘtre Ă©vitĂ©s autant que faire se peut. Une approche par mutex non-bloquant est proposĂ©e comme substitut simple et satisfaisant

    Une nouvelle implémentation du Spatialisateur dans Max

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    National audienceLe Spatialisateur (spat∌) est une bibliothĂšque d'outils dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  la spatialisation sonore, la rĂ©verbĂ©ration artificielle, et la diffusion multicanale. Cet article prĂ©sente une rĂ©vision majeure de l'environnement (version 5) et son intĂ©gration dans Max

    A versatile workstation for the diffusion, mixing, and post-production of spatial audio

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    International audienceThis paper presents a versatile workstation for the diffusion, mixing, and post-production of spatial sound. Designed as a virtual console, the tool provides a comprehensive environment for combining channel–, scene–, and object–based audio. The incoming streams are mixed in a flexible bus architecture which tightly couples sound spatialization with reverberation effects. The application supports a broad range of rendering techniques (VBAP, HOA, binaural, etc.) and it is remotely controllable via the Open Sound Control protocol

    Ambisonic spatial blur

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    International audienceThis paper presents a technique for controlling the spatial resolution of an Ambisonic sound field while preserving its overall energy. The proposed method allows to transform a stream encoded in N-order Ambisonic to a lower order resolution. The transformation can be continuously operated, indeed simulating fractional order representation of the Ambisonic stream and varying the "bluriness" of the spatial image

    RĂ©duction horizontale d’un flux Ambisonic 3D

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    Cet article s'intéresse à la réduction dans le plan horizontal d'un champ sonore 3D encodé en Ambisonic. Pour réaliser cette projection en 2D, une approche naïve (mais fréquemment observée en pratique) consiste à ignorer les harmoniques tessérales et zonales pour ne conserver que les composantes sectorielles du flux Ambisonic. Toutefois cet élagage brutal de la représentation harmonique engendre une déformation spatiale du champ sonore (on peut notamment observer des lobes secondaires indésirables sur le diagramme de directivité équivalent). Une méthode mathématiquement plus rigoureuse consiste à appliquer des facteurs de conversion de normalisation, qui permettent de transcoder un flux SN3D en SN2D (par exemple). Dans cet article, nous démontrons que ce transcodage est équivalent à la décomposition en ondes planes du champ sonore 3D originel, suivi d'un ré-encodage 2D des ondes planes selon le formalisme des harmoniques cylindriques. Lors du décodage sur un dispositif horizontal de haut-parleurs, cette approche permet de préserver des effets de latéralisation induits par les informations d'élévation, comme cela a déjà été noté par Daniel et al

    panoramix: station de mixage et post-production 3D

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    International audienceCet article prĂ©sente panoramix, une station de travail pour la post-production de contenus audio 3D. L'outil propose un environnement cohĂ©rent permettant de mixer, rĂ©verbĂ©rer et spatialiser des matĂ©riaux sonores provenant de divers dispositifs microphoniques : arbre principal, appoints, captation Ambisonic aux ordres supĂ©rieurs. Plusieurs techniques de spatialisation 3D (VBAP, HOA, binaural) peuvent ĂȘtre combinĂ©es, et les mixages peuvent ĂȘtre rendus simultanĂ©ment dans diffĂ©rents formats. Le logiciel prĂ©sente Ă©galement les caractĂ©ristiques des mixeurs traditionnels (modules d'Ă©galisation et compression dynamique, gestion groupĂ©e de paramĂštres, routage des signaux d'entrĂ©e/sortie, etc.), et il est entiĂšrement contrĂŽlable via le protocole Open Sound Control